Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cast Away:

                             A directorial masterpiece of Robert Zemeckis , the maestro of art direction and mute sequences; Cast Away is no other exception to his favourite genre of direction. Zemickis proves yet again how working in silence can at times be the most quintessential method of expressing man’s emotions, but I guess the end product is not just the director’s contribution but a whole lot of amazing display of an actor’s prowess as Tom Hanks provides what I might say another of his lifetime’s best performances.
                                   The story revolves around the miraculous manner in which a FedEx employee by the name of Chuck Noland is saved from a fatal airplane accident in the ocean and drifts off to an island almost 600 miles south of the Cook Islands (as is revealed later in the story) with a handful of FedEx packages, his Fiancée’s family heirloom of a timekeeper-cum-locket with a photo of her in it and his watch apart from the clothes he wears. As desperation starts creeping in him with every failed attempt of getting himself out of that marooned island, his frustrations increase with every injury he suffers; whether he wants to light a fire or get across the ocean using a fragile lifeboat , his attempts are all turned vain and he almost calls quits from life but even his rehearsal of a suicide using a log shaped like a human fails too, he decides he must go on and await with meticulous calculation the right moment and the right method to set across the ocean and this hope comes from the only friend of his in that island – a volleyball from one of his FedEx packages that had a face made on it from the bloodstains of Chuck’s bleeding hand itself- one he injured himself with while trying to light a fire.
                                    The most important part of the story is that you can’t lose hope however hard the times maybe and how much you fail ‘cause you must remember that you have to go on breathing, who knows what the tide might bring in every new day?

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